Earlier this year I made a big deci­sion: When my time on the maga­zine staff at a consumer publisher came to an end, I decided to step out on my own. I’m now a free­lance publi­ca­tion designer and art direc­tor, and I’ve been fill­ing my sched­ule with part-​time and short-​term work, as well as occa­sional one-​off publi­ca­tion projects. 

It’s been excit­ing to recog­nize that while I am now work­ing for myself, I’m not work­ing by myself. I’ve been able to essen­tially join several teams at once — all full of smart, inter­est­ing, creative pros — just on a partial or tempo­rary basis. That means my weeks and months now have some wonder­ful vari­ety that I’d been miss­ing over the past few years. 

I’m always look­ing out for new projects to fill upcom­ing gaps in the sched­ule, so if you have any need for a publi­ca­tion designer (for maga­zines, books, newslet­ters, reports, or any multi­page docu­ment), please get in touch! I’m espe­cially keen to dip a toe back into the indie maga­zine world again… but am equally well suited to being an extra pair of hands for a design studio during peak times, or to step­ping in to help an exist­ing publi­ca­tion team. Let’s talk!